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CBP is a powerful adjunct to the QualiWare Business Process Management platform enabling organizations to truly understand and manage the impacts of organizational transformation. CBP follows a well established approach to Business Process Analysis & Costing (BPAC) with emphasis on developing an operational view of the business, leading to better resource planning and more accurate costs.
CBP provides business managers with the ability to model their operational flows and predict where and when bottlenecks will arise. It also determines the impact of shifting product/service demands and/or changing operating efficiencies on both fixed and variable costs.
CBP models are used collaboratively to test and validate "what if" scenarios for understanding both operational and financial impacts across the organization. CBP provides business stakeholders valuable insights into a wide variety of business
CBP incorporates industry standard Value Stream Mapping (VSM) for improved understanding of the resource and cost
impacts of lean process improvement initiatives. By sharing operational data such as Lead, Processing, and Wait Times between VSM and BPAC models, CBP provides additional Lean insights for both “Capacity to Serve” and “Cost to Serve”.
CBP is available as a managed Cloud service which enables all stakeholders across the organization to build, support, analyze, and employ CBP results for improved decision-making.