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  • CloseReach & Growth 500, Canada's Fastest Growing Companies

    September 12, 2019 1 min read

    CloseReach & Growth 500, Canada's Fastest Growing Companies - CloseReach

    Canadian Business and Maclean's has, for over 30 years, ranked Canadian companies based upon five-year revenue growth. Growth 500 profiles the country's most successful entrepreneurial businesses. The goal is to identify the most ambitious, innovative, successful and fastest growing companies in Canada.

    Over 6,000 Canadian businesses were evaluated for 2019

    CloseReach ranked number 333


    Hard work, commitment to excellence, striving for continuous learning, growth, and innovation have enabled CloseReach to achieve this success and the 2019 Growth 500 acknowledgement. 

    We are very proud to be included in this prestigious group.

    CloseReach is a team effort. Every employee, consultant and associate plays an important collaborative role in achieving the CloseReach vision of transformation, growth and success for our clients, as well as ourselves.

    Excellence in everything we do continues to be our goal!


    CloseReach and 2019 Growth 500

    For more information visit us at  https://www.closereach.ca/pages/growth-500 
    or see the CloseReach listing in the special Growth 500 print issue of Canadian Business (published with the October issue of Maclean's magazine) and online at CanadianBusiness.com and Growth500.ca.

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