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  • CloseReach has joined the UN Global Compact Initiative

    November 17, 2020 2 min read

    CloseReach is joining the UN Global Compact Initiative.

    CloseReach has joined the UN Global Compact Initiative

    Right now, businesses around the world are working to support the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) initiated by the United Nations. These goals support issues concerning labor, human rights, our environmental impact and anti-corruption. 

    The United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) is the largest voluntary corporate strategic policy initiative for companies dedicated to aligning their activities and objectives with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, a set of universally accepted principles which businesses are encouraged to follow. 

    “Together, through bold action and collaboration between all sectors of society we can end extreme poverty, corruption, injustice and climate change, ensuring that no one is left behind” (UN Global Compact, 2020).

    Our Commitment to Sustainable Development

    At CloseReach we will be focusing on promoting these 7 sustainable development goals:


    Goal #8, Decent Work and Economic Growth

    CloseReach believes in supporting sustainable economic growth, higher levels of productivity and technological advancement to reduce inequalities and promote decent work & economic growth.  



    Goal #9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    We are joining the UN Global Compact because we believe in supporting innovation and building a resilient infrastructure. Increasing industrial capacity and efficiency will unleash dynamic and competitive economic forces that generate
    employment and income.


    Goal #10: Gender Equality

    At CloseReach we value the importance of gender and financial equality. All forms of discrimination must be eliminated in the workplace.



    Goal #11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

    CloseReach believes in access for all to adequate, safe and affordable housing and basic services, as well as adoption and implementation of integrated policies and plans towards inclusion, resource efficiency, mitigation and adaptation to climate change, resilience to disasters, and reduction of the environmental impact of cities by paying special attention to air quality and waste management.



    Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production

    CloseReach supports a transition to lower carbon emissions, the adoption of green policies and initiatives, as well as sustainable production and consumption to drive economic growth and alleviate poverty.



    Goal #16: Peace Justice and Strong Institutions  

    CloseReach believes in reducing exploitation, violence and abuse, and promoting justice and equality for all. Public access to information regarding fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as enforcement of non-discriminatory laws and policies is necessary for sustainable development.



    Goal #17: Partnerships

    The achievement of all Sustainable Development Goals is dependent upon partnerships established to share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial resources. These partnerships are built upon principles and values, upon a shared vision and shared goals placing people and the planet at the centre.

    Related Articles: SDG Management tool powered by QualiWare

    To learn more about the Global Compact Initiative we encourage you to visit the Global Compact and United Nations website (below) to learn how you and your business can learn and participate in implementing these goals for a better more sustainable future.

    Stay tuned for our next blog post on the easiest way to track and manage your SDGs

    Visit: https://globalcompact.un75.online/ and https://sdgs.un.org/goals 

    “Canadian Sustainability Network.” Global Compact Network Canada, 2020, www.globalcompact.ca/.


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